I was told by a friend (when she found out I was pregnant) that if my pregnancy didn't make my blog then she had no idea what would. That was about a month in a half to two months ago. I have tried to blog about it often however I am uneasy because of so many people who have a hard time getting pregnant and every time they hear about someone else it makes them depressed. I didn't want to cause someone hurt, but I also just couldn't think of anything clever to say about. I sure wish I was clever and witty like Anna. Alas I am not, which is probably why I did not major in English and teach English.
So with no further ado, I am pregnant, with a boy, and am 20 weeks. WOW! I know. I am growing everyday. Last night my tummy was super tight and my loving husband said, just wait till the morning, you won't be tight anymore but you'll have some more stretch marks. Yep. Fantastic. Just what I want to hear. hahaha But so completely true. Thanks babe for loving my ever growing belly. I HATED the first trimester. I was queezy until week fourteen. But I am LOVING the second trimester. I have energy. I am getting tons done. (mainly sewing) and keeping my house clean. I can feel the little man move. Today he is super active. Swimming wherever he can fit. What will I need for the new addition? Any advise. I am open to it. However, I am promising to not use the majority of it.